Dear fans: (hahahahahahah!)
I'm sorry it has been so long. At one point, I didn't actually feel like blogging anymore. I keep making fun of other people who blog (and I DO realize that makes me a hypocrite!) and then i always think for myself: I have a blog as well, I hardly ever update it, but it's THERE.
SOOO, I just wanted to wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR! As you can see in the title, I managed to create a little multilingual thang, cool eyyyyh?
BTW: Song of the month: FIREFLIES! (i know it's probably old, but I don't have a radio in my car, so I don't listen to hitlists that much)
I can't get it out of my head!
That's all for now (and probably forever), folks!
lørdag 2. januar 2010
lørdag 17. oktober 2009
Long live Green Day!
I know it has been a while. I guess you can say that I have been "busy". Even though I had three days off work and was in Oslo to see Green Day (!!!!!), it has been STRESSFUL. When we came to Oslo, there was (of course) a problem with the hotel booking. Somehow, there was no reservation for us. This is JUST my luck. Seriously. It's a funny thing, actually. WHY do I ALWAYS jinx EVERYTHING?! In a moment of wekaness, I managed to say: "What would you do if there was no reservation? Or if something happened with the flight registraion?" ... and guess what? IT DID! Apparently, we booked the wrong flight home, so we had to book another flight, which meant 500 kroners (100 dollars) less on my account. And it doesn't stop there! On top of all the other CRAP that already had taken place during (ONLY) two days, I also managed to LOSE my wallet. (YAAAY). Just talking about it stresses me. So I think I'm gonna stop right there. I assume you all think this means that the Oslo-trip was a big tragedy...
Well, IT WASN'T! I could have lost three fingers, one foot and my cellphone as well, and the trip would still be worth it. Why, you ask? Because the concert was A (wait for it) .. MAAAAZING! We had to wait for hours outside Oslo Spektrum in order to get a decent spot at the concert. It was cold, one hour felt like one year towards the end, and when we got in and waited for about an hour before Green Day came on stage, I was sweating like a pig (pigs don't actually sweat, but you know what I mean..).

I only managed to get a couple of decent photos at the end of the concert. This is during the song, "Good Riddance (Time of your life).
Green Day started the show with the song "21st Century Breakdown" followed by "Know your Enemy". From the very SECOND they started playing until the last song (Time of your life), the entire audience couldn't stop screaming, dancing, jumping and singing along. The whole thing was such an incredible experience. This was the first time I saw Green Day live, and it won't be the last! You have my word. For me, the ultimate moment was when they played one of my favorite song, "Hitchin' a Ride". Another amazing moment was at the end of "21 guns". Billie Joe Armstrong was standing center-stage and singing alone with his guitar. There were sparkles coming down from the "sky", and I (sensitive as I am) was crying. I NEVER thought I would cry, but Green Day has turned me into a weeper. And you know what? I LOVE IT!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, Green Day! You are my heroes!
Well, IT WASN'T! I could have lost three fingers, one foot and my cellphone as well, and the trip would still be worth it. Why, you ask? Because the concert was A (wait for it) .. MAAAAZING! We had to wait for hours outside Oslo Spektrum in order to get a decent spot at the concert. It was cold, one hour felt like one year towards the end, and when we got in and waited for about an hour before Green Day came on stage, I was sweating like a pig (pigs don't actually sweat, but you know what I mean..).
I only managed to get a couple of decent photos at the end of the concert. This is during the song, "Good Riddance (Time of your life).
Green Day started the show with the song "21st Century Breakdown" followed by "Know your Enemy". From the very SECOND they started playing until the last song (Time of your life), the entire audience couldn't stop screaming, dancing, jumping and singing along. The whole thing was such an incredible experience. This was the first time I saw Green Day live, and it won't be the last! You have my word. For me, the ultimate moment was when they played one of my favorite song, "Hitchin' a Ride". Another amazing moment was at the end of "21 guns". Billie Joe Armstrong was standing center-stage and singing alone with his guitar. There were sparkles coming down from the "sky", and I (sensitive as I am) was crying. I NEVER thought I would cry, but Green Day has turned me into a weeper. And you know what? I LOVE IT!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, Green Day! You are my heroes!
torsdag 8. oktober 2009
Green Day on Monday!
Hey all,
I'm sorry it's been quite a while since I last wrote. I guess i didn't find the time (well of course I HAD the time, i just couldn't FIND the time. I like that expression. Kinda lets you choose what you have time to do!) to write earlier. I've been working the whole week, which is ok, but it breaks my heart a little that pretty much everyone else has a week off, seeing that it's Fall break in Norway at the moment.
Anyway, I kind of get my own little break now, as I have the day off tomorrow. That means I get a long weekend, and THEN (drumroll...) I'm going to Oslo to se Green Day! I can't wait. It's gonna be such an amazing thing to finally see them live!
HOWEVER, I am also freaking out a little bit, because I don't know all the lyrics yet! I know what you're thinking.. "If you're such a huge Green Day fan, why don't you already KNOW all the lyrics?!" or... "You shouldn't force yourself into memorizing the lyrics. If you REALLY like the band, the lyrics will speak to you and you will learn it NOT because you HAVE to, but because you LISTEN to it.." If you, as I predicted, ARE thinking in this way, or in a similar way, SCREW YOU!
First of all, it's not that I HAVE to learn ALL the lyrics, but it would look really stupid if I just stood there nodding along to all the songs. I'm just hoping they will play some of the good old songs as well, and not just songs from the newest album. Don't get me wrong, I like it all, it's just that.. The old ones ARE better. To be honest, I think that it's hard for any band to produce the amount of music Green Day has, without having certain songs be a little similar.
I always feel that the biggest argument for non-Green Day fans is that all the songs are soooooo similar. I don't get it. I like Green Day because of their SOUND. That doesn't mean that I want ALL their songs to be VERY similar, but I like the fact that I can recognize Green Day's songs because I 'know' their sound.
And they're not all the same by the way.. Try listening to Hitchin A Ride, King for a Day, Blood, Sex and Booze and Insomniac, and you'll find out that Green Day is a lot more than Time of Your Life, Basket Case and American Idiot..
Anywayzzz, I can't be bothered to convince more people to listen to Green Day, because the ones that aren't by now, are a lost cause. ;)(and yes, I realize that everyone is different and has a personal taste in music and art and life and your mom, BLAH!) enjoy your weekends, my dear fans!
I'm sorry it's been quite a while since I last wrote. I guess i didn't find the time (well of course I HAD the time, i just couldn't FIND the time. I like that expression. Kinda lets you choose what you have time to do!) to write earlier. I've been working the whole week, which is ok, but it breaks my heart a little that pretty much everyone else has a week off, seeing that it's Fall break in Norway at the moment.
Anyway, I kind of get my own little break now, as I have the day off tomorrow. That means I get a long weekend, and THEN (drumroll...) I'm going to Oslo to se Green Day! I can't wait. It's gonna be such an amazing thing to finally see them live!
HOWEVER, I am also freaking out a little bit, because I don't know all the lyrics yet! I know what you're thinking.. "If you're such a huge Green Day fan, why don't you already KNOW all the lyrics?!" or... "You shouldn't force yourself into memorizing the lyrics. If you REALLY like the band, the lyrics will speak to you and you will learn it NOT because you HAVE to, but because you LISTEN to it.." If you, as I predicted, ARE thinking in this way, or in a similar way, SCREW YOU!
First of all, it's not that I HAVE to learn ALL the lyrics, but it would look really stupid if I just stood there nodding along to all the songs. I'm just hoping they will play some of the good old songs as well, and not just songs from the newest album. Don't get me wrong, I like it all, it's just that.. The old ones ARE better. To be honest, I think that it's hard for any band to produce the amount of music Green Day has, without having certain songs be a little similar.
I always feel that the biggest argument for non-Green Day fans is that all the songs are soooooo similar. I don't get it. I like Green Day because of their SOUND. That doesn't mean that I want ALL their songs to be VERY similar, but I like the fact that I can recognize Green Day's songs because I 'know' their sound.
And they're not all the same by the way.. Try listening to Hitchin A Ride, King for a Day, Blood, Sex and Booze and Insomniac, and you'll find out that Green Day is a lot more than Time of Your Life, Basket Case and American Idiot..
Anywayzzz, I can't be bothered to convince more people to listen to Green Day, because the ones that aren't by now, are a lost cause. ;)(and yes, I realize that everyone is different and has a personal taste in music and art and life and your mom, BLAH!) enjoy your weekends, my dear fans!
fredag 2. oktober 2009
That ANNOYING future.
Yo all,
As you can probably see in the title, I am so confused about what to do IN THE FUTURE. Everyone keeps asking: "What are you gonna do in the future? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?! Do you want to become an actor or a musician? Don't you know how hard that is?"
OF COURSE I KNOW HOW HARD IT IS! But what if everyone thought that way? Then WHO would become the next generation of actors and singers? And EVERYTHING else for that matter. I just don't want to aim for a typical 9 to 5 office-job. Maybe some day I will find out that this tyoe of job actually is perfect for me, but for now, I have ambitions. HUGE ambitions. And that sucks sometimes. In a way, I wish I would want to stay in Norway, get a degree, get a job and start a family... That would make life a lot easier. But that's not what I want. I want to settle down somewhere someday and start a family, but for now, going abroad, moving to NYC to study music and drama, and exploring the entire world is all I dream about.
I am applying to several universities in New York. I just don't know which ones to go for.
The only one I'm certain about is AADA - American Academy of Dramatic Arts. This is an academy where you study only acting and theatre-related subjects. In order to get in, you have to audition. They might look at your diplomas, but it's more about the talent for acting. The program seems amazing. Voice training and drama training in all types of acting. Not to mention the list of alumni (Danny DeVito, Grace Kelly, Adrien Brody, Kim Cattrall, Paul Rudd ++) !
If I were to go to this school, it would initially be for one year, and a second year would be only by invitation. This would be such an opportunity!
Then again, I would also like to go to a "proper" university where I would be able to take other classes as well. I mean, it's nice to have something to go back to if the drama and music dreams don't come true. But I'm also SICK of exams and homework and assignments and SHIT like that, so I am (as you probably understand) really confused about what to go for. My ultimate dream would be Juilliard, but... come on! That's just TOO ambitious! I know, I know, someone has to get in, and that someone could be me, and it doesn't hurt to try, but... NO. I would honestly just be disappointed if I didn't get in. And I know that's not a positive attitude, but whatever!
I guess I have to keep looking for the perfect course for me.. I was thinking about taking a music bachelor, and the Voice-program at Mannes seemed AMAZING! We'll see. Before that, I have a lot of other stuff to take care of.. Like earning money for uni. ;) And I choose to believe that "the future" (abstract as it is) is still faaaaar away, which gives me plenty of time to enjoy LIFE!
-Have a great weekend!
As you can probably see in the title, I am so confused about what to do IN THE FUTURE. Everyone keeps asking: "What are you gonna do in the future? Where do you see yourself in 10 years?! Do you want to become an actor or a musician? Don't you know how hard that is?"
OF COURSE I KNOW HOW HARD IT IS! But what if everyone thought that way? Then WHO would become the next generation of actors and singers? And EVERYTHING else for that matter. I just don't want to aim for a typical 9 to 5 office-job. Maybe some day I will find out that this tyoe of job actually is perfect for me, but for now, I have ambitions. HUGE ambitions. And that sucks sometimes. In a way, I wish I would want to stay in Norway, get a degree, get a job and start a family... That would make life a lot easier. But that's not what I want. I want to settle down somewhere someday and start a family, but for now, going abroad, moving to NYC to study music and drama, and exploring the entire world is all I dream about.
I am applying to several universities in New York. I just don't know which ones to go for.
The only one I'm certain about is AADA - American Academy of Dramatic Arts. This is an academy where you study only acting and theatre-related subjects. In order to get in, you have to audition. They might look at your diplomas, but it's more about the talent for acting. The program seems amazing. Voice training and drama training in all types of acting. Not to mention the list of alumni (Danny DeVito, Grace Kelly, Adrien Brody, Kim Cattrall, Paul Rudd ++) !
If I were to go to this school, it would initially be for one year, and a second year would be only by invitation. This would be such an opportunity!
Then again, I would also like to go to a "proper" university where I would be able to take other classes as well. I mean, it's nice to have something to go back to if the drama and music dreams don't come true. But I'm also SICK of exams and homework and assignments and SHIT like that, so I am (as you probably understand) really confused about what to go for. My ultimate dream would be Juilliard, but... come on! That's just TOO ambitious! I know, I know, someone has to get in, and that someone could be me, and it doesn't hurt to try, but... NO. I would honestly just be disappointed if I didn't get in. And I know that's not a positive attitude, but whatever!
I guess I have to keep looking for the perfect course for me.. I was thinking about taking a music bachelor, and the Voice-program at Mannes seemed AMAZING! We'll see. Before that, I have a lot of other stuff to take care of.. Like earning money for uni. ;) And I choose to believe that "the future" (abstract as it is) is still faaaaar away, which gives me plenty of time to enjoy LIFE!
-Have a great weekend!
torsdag 1. oktober 2009
Shukran, Inhye!
Dear all my readers (I might have about 3 now.. YAY!)
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear friend, Inhye Kim, for her photograph on the right-hand margin. Inhye, your photography both sooths and warms my soul as well as my entire being, and I sincerely apologize for not asking you before I used it. Please don't sue me, I simply wanted to display my love and affection for you.
So from now on: That photo right there = copyrightMulan ...mkhay? (THAT better do it! )
Fall is officially here, which (just like everything else) has its pros and cons.
I actually like that it's getting colder, my room is FREEZING before I go to bed, which is NICE! I hate going to bed all sweaty and hot in July. (No, we don't normally have AC here. It's Norway for crying out loud.)
So it's not the TEMPERATURE that's bothering me, it's the WEATHER. Cold wind and CONSTANT rain makes me depressed. Today the weather has been really nice actually, but usually it rains all (and I mean aaaall) the time. Dry lips, soar throat, constant coughing and a running nose are also affecting my well-being.
But now, the ultimate WORST thing about fall and winter; the DARKNESS! (dam dam DAM!!)
When I wake up in the morning, it's dark outside. When I come home from work around 4:30 or 5:00, it's GETTING dark outside. It'll still be kind of light for a couple of weeks, but in December, the sun rises at 9 and sets at 4 or 4.30! No wonder so many people are depressed in the north of Norway! They don't have ANY daylight during winter! I think I would die a little.
But enough complaining for today. I would like to thank Inhye and Dana for reading my blog and ASKING me to update it, so that I actually HAVE a reason for writing all this random shit here. You make me feel WANTED (Blog-wise that is)! (And I bet you are the only two people reading this blog on a regular basis without me TELLING you to read it..)
A lot of people ask me (ok, ONE person asked me) why I blog, I actually don't know why. I just like writing down what I'm doing and what I think and wonder about. It's mostly for myself, but I have to admit that I love Dana and Inhye long-time for asking me to update my blog! :) And if some of you wonder why I write in English, it's because I have friends who aren't Norwegian, plus it's nice to "maintain" my written English, n'est-ce pas?
Until next time! ...And to all you bumholes who have summer all year long, APPRECIATE IT!
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my dear friend, Inhye Kim, for her photograph on the right-hand margin. Inhye, your photography both sooths and warms my soul as well as my entire being, and I sincerely apologize for not asking you before I used it. Please don't sue me, I simply wanted to display my love and affection for you.
So from now on: That photo right there = copyrightMulan ...mkhay? (THAT better do it! )
Fall is officially here, which (just like everything else) has its pros and cons.
I actually like that it's getting colder, my room is FREEZING before I go to bed, which is NICE! I hate going to bed all sweaty and hot in July. (No, we don't normally have AC here. It's Norway for crying out loud.)
So it's not the TEMPERATURE that's bothering me, it's the WEATHER. Cold wind and CONSTANT rain makes me depressed. Today the weather has been really nice actually, but usually it rains all (and I mean aaaall) the time. Dry lips, soar throat, constant coughing and a running nose are also affecting my well-being.
But now, the ultimate WORST thing about fall and winter; the DARKNESS! (dam dam DAM!!)
When I wake up in the morning, it's dark outside. When I come home from work around 4:30 or 5:00, it's GETTING dark outside. It'll still be kind of light for a couple of weeks, but in December, the sun rises at 9 and sets at 4 or 4.30! No wonder so many people are depressed in the north of Norway! They don't have ANY daylight during winter! I think I would die a little.
But enough complaining for today. I would like to thank Inhye and Dana for reading my blog and ASKING me to update it, so that I actually HAVE a reason for writing all this random shit here. You make me feel WANTED (Blog-wise that is)! (And I bet you are the only two people reading this blog on a regular basis without me TELLING you to read it..)
A lot of people ask me (ok, ONE person asked me) why I blog, I actually don't know why. I just like writing down what I'm doing and what I think and wonder about. It's mostly for myself, but I have to admit that I love Dana and Inhye long-time for asking me to update my blog! :) And if some of you wonder why I write in English, it's because I have friends who aren't Norwegian, plus it's nice to "maintain" my written English, n'est-ce pas?
Until next time! ...And to all you bumholes who have summer all year long, APPRECIATE IT!
onsdag 30. september 2009
iKristian, oh yes!
Hey everybody!
Today's update is kind of special, because i am writing at work. That's right, at work! Well.. Because i'm online with my Brand new iPhone!! Loving it!
However, i'm sure you all know how hard it is to type om a new phone.. Especially one with nothing but s touch screen. So, i'm going to end this with a smiley that portrays the extent to which I am happy:
L8r, betchez!
Today's update is kind of special, because i am writing at work. That's right, at work! Well.. Because i'm online with my Brand new iPhone!! Loving it!
However, i'm sure you all know how hard it is to type om a new phone.. Especially one with nothing but s touch screen. So, i'm going to end this with a smiley that portrays the extent to which I am happy:
L8r, betchez!
mandag 28. september 2009
Disney has done it again!

It's Saturday night, we are four people sitting at Aggi's place. I had brought a movie called "Let the right one in", which turned out to be a horror movie, so... (due to two people who are scared of horror movies, NO OFFENSE!) we ended up watching "Bolt" instead. At first i thought: "Sure, why not? Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille and Wall-E were REALLY good movies".. But I guess I thought it had to end sometime. I mean, how many times in a row can Disney "capture my heart"? (Yeah, that was maybe a little extreme, but you know what I mean..)
But Disney has done it again! I laughed SO hard throughout this movie! Of course it's a little cheesy and predictable, but come on! It's Walt Disney for crying out loud! Now, I'm not going to explain the story of the movie, as I tend to give it all away.. So just watch the trailer on YouTube, mkhay?
If you're looking for a movie that's FUNNY for EVERYONE, watch BOLT!
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