søndag 27. september 2009

Sunday, not so boring anymore!

Hey all!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Isn't it funny how I keep adressing myself to so many people, when there's about 2 people reading this blog once in a blue moon?
Anyway, it's Sunday, and we all know what that means. Depression. I doesn't matter how many plans you have on a Sunday, there' always a TINY thought in the back of your head CONSTANTLY reminding you that tomorrow it's all starting again... Well, NOT ANYMORE!

I'm actually looking forward to work tomorrow! Usually, I would be HAUNTED by homework, tests, exams and assignments, but now, I don't have to worry about any of that. A lot of people (and by that I mean my parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and then some) tell me that a gap year only makes things worse, because you get so used to just working and earning money. I honestly understand what they mean. Even though I am REALLY excited about New York and all, I have to say that just the thought of exams and homework really makes me SICK. I suppose it'll be okay after a while... After all, i'm gonna study something I really LIKE.

I'm off now. Gonna play Wii with my brother. I bought a Nintendo Wii a couple of days ago, and I love it! My arm hurts a lot, though.. Probably from swinging it back and forth for HOURS every day.
Later, I plan to go bowling with my friends in Stavanger city. My friend Victoria came back from Oslo yesterday, so I'm really looking forward to seeing her again, and to beat her in bowling of course! ;)

Thats all for now, and to all you suckers who still go to school; Have a LOVELY Sunday!

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