Hey everybody!
Today's update is kind of special, because i am writing at work. That's right, at work! ...how? Well.. Because i'm online with my Brand new iPhone!! Loving it!
However, i'm sure you all know how hard it is to type om a new phone.. Especially one with nothing but s touch screen. So, i'm going to end this with a smiley that portrays the extent to which I am happy:
L8r, betchez!
onsdag 30. september 2009
mandag 28. september 2009
Disney has done it again!

It's Saturday night, we are four people sitting at Aggi's place. I had brought a movie called "Let the right one in", which turned out to be a horror movie, so... (due to two people who are scared of horror movies, NO OFFENSE!) we ended up watching "Bolt" instead. At first i thought: "Sure, why not? Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, Ratatouille and Wall-E were REALLY good movies".. But I guess I thought it had to end sometime. I mean, how many times in a row can Disney "capture my heart"? (Yeah, that was maybe a little extreme, but you know what I mean..)
But Disney has done it again! I laughed SO hard throughout this movie! Of course it's a little cheesy and predictable, but come on! It's Walt Disney for crying out loud! Now, I'm not going to explain the story of the movie, as I tend to give it all away.. So just watch the trailer on YouTube, mkhay?
If you're looking for a movie that's FUNNY for EVERYONE, watch BOLT!
søndag 27. september 2009
Sunday, not so boring anymore!
Hey all!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Isn't it funny how I keep adressing myself to so many people, when there's about 2 people reading this blog once in a blue moon?
Anyway, it's Sunday, and we all know what that means. Depression. I doesn't matter how many plans you have on a Sunday, there' always a TINY thought in the back of your head CONSTANTLY reminding you that tomorrow it's all starting again... Well, NOT ANYMORE!
I'm actually looking forward to work tomorrow! Usually, I would be HAUNTED by homework, tests, exams and assignments, but now, I don't have to worry about any of that. A lot of people (and by that I mean my parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and then some) tell me that a gap year only makes things worse, because you get so used to just working and earning money. I honestly understand what they mean. Even though I am REALLY excited about New York and all, I have to say that just the thought of exams and homework really makes me SICK. I suppose it'll be okay after a while... After all, i'm gonna study something I really LIKE.
I'm off now. Gonna play Wii with my brother. I bought a Nintendo Wii a couple of days ago, and I love it! My arm hurts a lot, though.. Probably from swinging it back and forth for HOURS every day.
Later, I plan to go bowling with my friends in Stavanger city. My friend Victoria came back from Oslo yesterday, so I'm really looking forward to seeing her again, and to beat her in bowling of course! ;)
Thats all for now, and to all you suckers who still go to school; Have a LOVELY Sunday!
I hope you all enjoyed your weekend. Isn't it funny how I keep adressing myself to so many people, when there's about 2 people reading this blog once in a blue moon?
Anyway, it's Sunday, and we all know what that means. Depression. I doesn't matter how many plans you have on a Sunday, there' always a TINY thought in the back of your head CONSTANTLY reminding you that tomorrow it's all starting again... Well, NOT ANYMORE!
I'm actually looking forward to work tomorrow! Usually, I would be HAUNTED by homework, tests, exams and assignments, but now, I don't have to worry about any of that. A lot of people (and by that I mean my parents, uncles, aunts, grandparents and then some) tell me that a gap year only makes things worse, because you get so used to just working and earning money. I honestly understand what they mean. Even though I am REALLY excited about New York and all, I have to say that just the thought of exams and homework really makes me SICK. I suppose it'll be okay after a while... After all, i'm gonna study something I really LIKE.
I'm off now. Gonna play Wii with my brother. I bought a Nintendo Wii a couple of days ago, and I love it! My arm hurts a lot, though.. Probably from swinging it back and forth for HOURS every day.
Later, I plan to go bowling with my friends in Stavanger city. My friend Victoria came back from Oslo yesterday, so I'm really looking forward to seeing her again, and to beat her in bowling of course! ;)
Thats all for now, and to all you suckers who still go to school; Have a LOVELY Sunday!
lørdag 26. september 2009
Good morning!
It's finally Satuday, and lord knows i have waited. Don't get me wrong, I like my new job, it's just that after 5 long days of kids crying, fighting, nagging, constantly jumping ON me and so on, it's nice to have a couple of days off to re-load for next week.
During the last two weekends I have worked on the film project, so this weekend I have absolutely nothing planned, my schedule (If i had one..) is empty! And you know what? ...I LOVE IT!
I have another issue to discuss (with myself?!) today... How come i never EVER wake up without being friggin' tired? I mean, come on! During the week the only thing I dream about is being able to shut off that FUCKING alarm and just go back to sleep. But when Saturday morning finally comes, I just don't feel re-loaded when I wake up! You know? I still feel tired! Maybe it's like a curse. That I'll NEVER wake up and go: "aaaaaaahh! :D I am AWAKE! WeeHooo!" (Not that i necessarily would say that out loud... alone.. lame.)
It's the 26th today, which means that the Green Day concert in Oslo spektrum is only 16 days away! It's funny how this concert makes me feel TORN.
(yes, torn.. I love using that word!)
TORN between being able to see and hear my favourite musicians of all time LIVE,
and being squeezed to death in between two large sweaty men jumping up and down. I mean, let's face it! I'm not a big person! What if I DO get squeezed?! What do I say?
"Ehm, excuse me, large man? Could you please move away, because you're hurting me... Ouch". If people asked ME to move away after 5-8 hours of waiting and after finally having found a somewhat comfortable position, I would tell them: "Eeh, I'm thinking NO, so... get the HELL outta here."
I guess it'll be allright. What's most important to me, is to hear them live. I mean, it's Green Day!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Kristian has done it again.
Maybe one day I will write significantly shorter, and write something displaying at least a little HINT of sanity.
maybe not,
maybe snue,
maybe snått.
(Norwegian poem from the 19th century, which means that Øvre Hamrane 3, someone's throwing up right now.. ;)
Peace out, and ENJOY the WEEKEND!
(except you losers in Oman who just started another week today. MOAHA!)
It's finally Satuday, and lord knows i have waited. Don't get me wrong, I like my new job, it's just that after 5 long days of kids crying, fighting, nagging, constantly jumping ON me and so on, it's nice to have a couple of days off to re-load for next week.
During the last two weekends I have worked on the film project, so this weekend I have absolutely nothing planned, my schedule (If i had one..) is empty! And you know what? ...I LOVE IT!
I have another issue to discuss (with myself?!) today... How come i never EVER wake up without being friggin' tired? I mean, come on! During the week the only thing I dream about is being able to shut off that FUCKING alarm and just go back to sleep. But when Saturday morning finally comes, I just don't feel re-loaded when I wake up! You know? I still feel tired! Maybe it's like a curse. That I'll NEVER wake up and go: "aaaaaaahh! :D I am AWAKE! WeeHooo!" (Not that i necessarily would say that out loud... alone.. lame.)
It's the 26th today, which means that the Green Day concert in Oslo spektrum is only 16 days away! It's funny how this concert makes me feel TORN.
(yes, torn.. I love using that word!)
TORN between being able to see and hear my favourite musicians of all time LIVE,
and being squeezed to death in between two large sweaty men jumping up and down. I mean, let's face it! I'm not a big person! What if I DO get squeezed?! What do I say?
"Ehm, excuse me, large man? Could you please move away, because you're hurting me... Ouch". If people asked ME to move away after 5-8 hours of waiting and after finally having found a somewhat comfortable position, I would tell them: "Eeh, I'm thinking NO, so... get the HELL outta here."
I guess it'll be allright. What's most important to me, is to hear them live. I mean, it's Green Day!
Ladies and Gentlemen, Kristian has done it again.
Maybe one day I will write significantly shorter, and write something displaying at least a little HINT of sanity.
maybe not,
maybe snue,
maybe snått.
(Norwegian poem from the 19th century, which means that Øvre Hamrane 3, someone's throwing up right now.. ;)
Peace out, and ENJOY the WEEKEND!
(except you losers in Oman who just started another week today. MOAHA!)
fredag 18. september 2009
What's crackin' folks?! (OMG I like TOTALLY pulled that off!)
At this point I bet you (and when I say you, I mean an estimated 200 000 people following my blog with burning passion every day!) are wondering why I haven't written anything in so long... To all of you I can only say; life is BUSY!
I would by the way like to THANK the first person who has ever requested that I updated my blog EVER!(Sarang hae, Mulan!;) I know that it takes two to tango, but I am currently damaged due to back problems.. Hopefully we will one day make it to the tango championship together!!
I've gotten a job in an elementary school. It's a blast really, It's so weird being at work withOUT constantly thinking : "ok, now I only have to be here for 3 more hours (...) and now 2 hours and 55 minutes!"... the days go by so fast, which can only mean that I am enjoying myself in my new job.. so .. YAY!
The job is mostly in "SFO", which means "Skolefritidsordning" (School-Freetime-organization-omg-that-translation-was-so-bad-but-whatever.). In Norway, most parents pay a certain amount a month for their children to stay in school a couple of hours extra AFTER school, because school usually ends around 1 in Norway (from 1st to 4th grade at least).. However, I've also been offered a LOT of hours as an assistent and as a sub-teacher, which means more experience, and more MONEY!
Other than that I am taking part in a film project with Rogaland Theater. We are 16 people from 16 to 19 years old, and we're all working in groups with different directors. Some of them are really well known as well! My group works with the director of the popular Norwegian movie "Mannen som elsket Yngve" (The man who loved Yngve), Stian Kristiansen. I love this project! I learn SO much about acting in front of a camera, and how to make "fake" written situations real. I mean, this is pretty much what I want to do with my life, so I look at this as SUCH an opportunity!
Once again I meant to write a short update, but ended up with an essay..
I shall strive to publish more random thoughts and happenings from now on!
Peace out!
At this point I bet you (and when I say you, I mean an estimated 200 000 people following my blog with burning passion every day!) are wondering why I haven't written anything in so long... To all of you I can only say; life is BUSY!
I would by the way like to THANK the first person who has ever requested that I updated my blog EVER!(Sarang hae, Mulan!;) I know that it takes two to tango, but I am currently damaged due to back problems.. Hopefully we will one day make it to the tango championship together!!
I've gotten a job in an elementary school. It's a blast really, It's so weird being at work withOUT constantly thinking : "ok, now I only have to be here for 3 more hours (...) and now 2 hours and 55 minutes!"... the days go by so fast, which can only mean that I am enjoying myself in my new job.. so .. YAY!
The job is mostly in "SFO", which means "Skolefritidsordning" (School-Freetime-organization-omg-that-translation-was-so-bad-but-whatever.). In Norway, most parents pay a certain amount a month for their children to stay in school a couple of hours extra AFTER school, because school usually ends around 1 in Norway (from 1st to 4th grade at least).. However, I've also been offered a LOT of hours as an assistent and as a sub-teacher, which means more experience, and more MONEY!
Other than that I am taking part in a film project with Rogaland Theater. We are 16 people from 16 to 19 years old, and we're all working in groups with different directors. Some of them are really well known as well! My group works with the director of the popular Norwegian movie "Mannen som elsket Yngve" (The man who loved Yngve), Stian Kristiansen. I love this project! I learn SO much about acting in front of a camera, and how to make "fake" written situations real. I mean, this is pretty much what I want to do with my life, so I look at this as SUCH an opportunity!
Once again I meant to write a short update, but ended up with an essay..
I shall strive to publish more random thoughts and happenings from now on!
Peace out!
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