onsdag 27. mai 2009

One down, five to go!

Dear all of my millions of readers...

So today i finished my first exam which was okay. I'm finally convinced that my teacher actually has a heart, as she today gave us questions she knows we all more or less can answer. The class is called French prose. It's a bit annoying, but at least i learn quite a lot. But i'm really psyched that I will NEVER have to write about "L'étranger" (The stranger) or "La femme rompue" (The woman destroyed)... Knock on wood! Well, i still have my oral exam in the same subjet in a couple of weeks, but speaking French has always been easier than writing french. For me, at least. So that's one out of six exams. It's actually really weird how badly I dread exams before the whole exam period start, but once I've sat through my first one, it isn't that bad. So my next one is this friday, which pretty much gives me today and tomorrow to study. And I'm not studying right now, so... Good luck, me! Anyways, in general, I think exams are overrated. I mean it's not THAT bad. And there are more important things in life.. And yes, i KNOW that bar exams and that crap is really important, as they decide the whole future for certain people, but.. Come on! There is so much more to life to be excited about!

Yeah, well that's enough motivational speaking for today.
I have to go study now (..but I'll probably end up watching How i met your mother all day, which I recently realized is LEGEN... wait for it... DARY!)


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